Question #2: God sent an angel message to the world for our time. What is that message?
This angel is symbolic. The message comes from Jesus to John, to God’s church, to the world. The churches are utilizing many forms of communication to get this vital message out, and one of them is via satellite orbiting Earth. Could a satellite be the “angel” John saw? Here is the message:
In Revelation 14:6-7 “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth, to every nation, tribe, tongue and people…Give glory to [God!]…Worship Him who made heaven and Earth, the sea and springs of water.”
The “angel’s” message is asking us to give glory to God; to thank the Creator of heaven and Earth, the moon, sun and stars for all He has done for us. What does it mean “to give glory to God”? It means to give Him credit for what He has done. It means to praise Him and love Him for being the Creator. You can do this by praising Him in prayer, singing to Him, and telling others about His great love. You can also give glory to God by manifesting the talents he gave you. So if you do something well, dedicate your work to the Lord and ask Him to bless it. You may wish to donate some profit or something you produced to the church, or to the poor, so all may see the Lord is honored. This is a type of love God accepts. It is a response to the love He gave you when He formed you, endowing you with talents and beauty.
The angel’s message is a basic message for people who are super-busy to stop and acknowledge God, and to align themselves on His side. Recognizing His existence is a beginning to becoming saved. Later we have a chance to learn what Christ did for us on the cross. For now, this “angel” (the church) is calling us to give praise and thanks for all we have taken for granted. Yes, there is a God who created water and Earth, sun, moon and stars for us! He created them by speaking them into existence!: He spoke, “……..and it was so.” -Genesis 1:7, 9, 11, 15, & 24. Fantastic!!
Why do we need to acknowledge Him now? There are many reasons. Our lives are like a vapor in the wind. We must get saved before we die. Otherwise we will someday eventually vanish away and be forever out of the hands of our God who loves us. He doesn’t want this to happen. He wants us to be saved before we meet death, whenever death shall come, be it suddenly or not.
Many people refuse to acknowledge God and become so wrapped up in the daily routines of living that they simply forget He exists! Why would they do this?! It would be tragic to ignore the One Who sculpted your face, Who gave you breath, and Whose Holy Spirit keeps your heart beating. His care for you is so great and so kind and generous, it’s as though you are the only person in the world to Him. You are His child and His treasure.
God told Jeremiah, “Before you were in the womb, I knew you.” That’s because God conceived Jeremiah in his mind before he was conceived on Earth. Wouldn’t you want to know the Person Who formed you and made you who you are today? He conceived you before your parents came together, and He wants you to have no end. He’s the One Who decided what the desires of your heart would be. He freely gave you talents, determined your personality traits, and He also finalized your destiny when He went to the cross. Your destiny of true happiness is provided for: The blood Jesus shed on the cross is your door to eternal life. Jesus agonized and suffered to give you this door, and He has no regrets. That’s how much He loves you.
If all this is true, then the angelic message is pretty important. It’s telling you to turn your mind from things like eating and drinking, TV and movies, making a salary and paying the rent…… to Him, the One Who holds your future. He has the power to raise you after death. Jesus proved this by raising Himself from the dead. He has the power to make you a brand new creature with a clean, shiny heart: a new person! And He has the power to grant eternal life with Him in paradise, as He promised in John 14:2-3
“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
Would you be willing to thank your Creator for all He has done for you throughout your life? Would you praise Him and give glory to Him through a life well-lived?
A prayer for you:
Dear heavenly Father,
I recognize You as my Creator and Sustainer. I thank you for life, for all you have given me, and for the talents I now possess. Thank You for what Jesus did on the cross, so that I might be saved. Help me to see Your love in Your creation of nature. I worship you and commit myself to You. I pray I will develop a deep and meaningful, eternal relationship with You, in Jesus’s name. Amen.